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Last Broadcaster Standing


Updated: Jul 13, 2022

congrats to the winners of #laststanding!


Bahar_Crypto (TR)

YinYangKings (EN)

Sam_Elliott (EN)


ControLatino99 (ES)

Majo_Barbosa (ES)

DownBadColton (EN)

Do you have what it takes to be the last broadcaster standing? It’s time to show us in this challenge, running now through Friday July 8th, 11:59PM EST!

How to Participate: - Stream with #laststanding. Your goal is to try and stay in the challenge as long as possible!

- There will be 3 total rounds. Hit the likes target before the round ends in order to stay in the challenge.

Non-Partners: Round 1: Accumulate 50k likes with #laststanding by Wednesday, July 6th, 11:59pm EST to commence to Round Two

Round 2: Accumulate at least 100k likes (50k more after Round One) with #laststanding by Thursday, July 7th, 11:59pm EST to commence to Round Three

Round 3: Of the remaining broadcasters, accumulate the most likes with #laststanding by Friday, July 8th, 11:59PM EST

Partners: Round 1: Accumulate at least 100k likes with #laststanding by Wednesday, July 6th, 11:59pm EST

Round 2: Accumulate at least 250k likes (150k more after Round One) with #laststanding by Thursday, July 7th, 11:59pm EST

Round 3: Of the remaining broadcasters, accumulate the most likes with #laststanding by Friday, July 8th, 11:59PM EST

Prizes: Non-Partner Division The top 3 streamers who complete Round 3 will each win:

- 5k bars

- EC for one week

Prizes: Partner Division

The top 3 streamers who complete Round 3 will each win: - A double star bonus for July (For example, secure your third star in the month of July, and instead of $300 get $600 for a bonus paid in August!)

- 15k bars

- A banner for the winners

This challenge is running across ALL the Communities of YouNow! If a Community has a majority in a division, then the Community majority of that division will also win Logitech BRIO webcams*! For example, if the Partner division has 2 Spanish winners and 1 Turkish winner, the 2 Spanish winners will also receive the bonus BRIOs!

*If we cannot easily ship prizes to the winner due to location, we will compensate him/her with Diamonds of equivalent value.

Rules and important info: - Broadcasters must be in good standing with Trust and Safety in order to receive their prizes - Broadcasters must stream with the #laststanding tag in order for their likes to be counted

- Likes accumulate from the beginning of the challenge, but broadcasters must participate in the first and second rounds in order to win. Broadcasters who do not hit the goals in time or start the challenge too late are not eligible to win

- Apple is not involved in this challenge


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