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👑 Game of Crowns 2024 👑

Game of Crowns is BACK for the first time in 2024! Send likes, secure crowns and win epic Bar prizes! Game of Crowns will be running from now until the end of January, with 3 chances to win!

Round 1: January 10th - 17th, 2pm est

Round 2: January 17th - 24th, 2pm est

Round 3: January 24th - 31st, 11:59pm est 

Supporters will be divided into 4 Groups. Move up in Groups for your chance to win bigger prizes!


Group A: Non-Producers

Group B: 1-3 Crowns

Group C: 4-5 Crowns 

Group D:  6-10 Crowns 


The top 3 likes senders of each Group will win Bars!

Group A: 2k Bars

Group B: 10k Bars

Group C: 15k Bars

Group D: 20k Bars 

Important Info: 

-Winners must be in good standing with Trust and Safety

-We will deliver Prizes in the beginning of February

-Please pay attention to time-zones! Any likes sent/crowns unlocked after the official end date and time will not be counted. 

-The following likes minimums must be met in order to unlock the full bar prize: Group A: 12,000 likes

Group B: 500k likes

Group C: 1 Million likes

Group D: 5 Million likes

- Winners who do not hit the minimum requirements of their Group will win the following prizes:

Group A: 50k Pearls

Group B: 2k Bars

Group C: 3k Bars

roup D: 4k Bars When you play the Game of Crowns, you win!

-Apple is not involved in this challenge-


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